About Us

Welcome to Southeastern Employment Services, LLC

Southeastern Employment Services (SES) originated with a single mission: develop competitive employment opportunities for people living with a disability in the community of their choosing. To achieve that purpose, SES provides a wide array of employment services specifically designed to assist each person to be successful in finding and keeping a job. Services provided may incorporate any of the following: identifying skills, talents and interests; developing and using job search skills, including interviewing skills and developing resumes; job placement, on-the-job training and support. SES staff also provides on-going career development services that ensure the people we place are successful. Follow-up services are available and are based specifically on the unique needs of the person and the business.


SES was established in 2003 and continues to be operated by its founder, Roberta Hurley, along with dedicated and responsive staff members who are committed to providing effective individual supported employment services. Integrated, competitive employment for people with any type of disability has been shown to support independent living, economic self-sufficiency and personal growth and fulfillment. It focuses on matching the needs of community businesses with the interests and abilities of the people we serve.

Learn more about our dedicated staff members