Our Vision, Mission & Core Values

Our Vision

We envision all people working and living healthy, fulfilled lives.

Our Mission

We are committed to bringing quality employment services to people with barriers to employment.

Our Values


We act with INTEGRITY in all we do…
We are each personally accountable for the highest standards of behavior, including honesty and fairness in all aspects of our work.


We know that with HOPE all things are possible…
We believe what is not realized today is always possible and within our reach tomorrow. Through hope, we transform each individual’s dreams of employment into possibilities.


We act with COMPASSION in all we do…
We work from the heart to provide services that make a difference by listening and acknowledging what is important for each individual.


We bring INNOVATION to all we do…
We continually ask the question, “Is there another way?” We use our expertise and intuition to explore new way of creating employment opportunities.


We believe in honoring the WHOLENESS of each person we serve…
We take into consideration the multiple aspects of an individual’s life – social, spiritual, and occupational.