On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job Training (OJT) is an opportunity for the employer to mentor an individual, helping them develop the skills needed to realize their career goals. During the OJT, the individual interacts on a regular basis with employees who do not have disabilities, holds a regular position, and is paid no less than minimum wage. OJT helps people with disabilities get used to the employment environment while gaining valuable work experience. SES will help arrange an OJT and provide support and follow-up services. We will work closely with all parties to develop an OJT experience that will benefit both the individual and the employer.

The benefits of this valuable work experience to the individual include:

  • Earn a wage while training
  • Will train in their desired field
  • Gain valuable work experience
  • Have the chance to interact with employees through integrated work setting
  • Prepare to enter the workforce with experience.