
Read Elaine's Testimonial

Because of my age, I never thought there would be another job in my future, and I knew that I could no longer do the type of job that I had done for 25 years. To my surprise, SES was able to connect me with a different kind of job that I love to do. I never thought I would start my life over, but my job cooking food and serving patients has made me feel useful again. It has also given me a more positive outlook on life. Without the effort and support of SES, I would have never realized that someone in my situation could succeed again.

Read Scott's Testimonial

The staff at SES helped me believe that I could work again. Working with them helped me greatly to get a job and avoid the pitfalls that had been a problem for me in the past. They also helped to alleviate a lot of the pressure that I had always felt when working.

Read Melanie's Testimonial

Don’t we all want a better quality of life? Don’t we all want to feel like productive members of society? I know I do. My job developer, Janna, is like the point person on patrol for employers who can add people to their workforce that will enhance their productivity, not hinder it. It is a win-win for everyone. The people at Southeastern Employment Services do not crunch data just so the numbers look good, they want people to have the best fit, so that in the long term, it’s not just another job filled, but another life FULFILLED in being successful in all manner of life. With a voucher from Social Security, I could have taken my business anywhere, but I chose Southeastern Employment Services because they support recovery AND discovery of the possibilities and dreams that I have not entertained in years!!!!