What We Do
We empower people living with a disability to experience the world of work in the community of their choice. We do this by working closely with the funding source to find the right job for the right individual. We match an individual’s skill, talent and interest to meet the employer’s needs. Matching the right individual to the right employer will lead to a successful, long-term employment relationship. By accomplishing this, people will better integrate into their communities, thereby empowering them and increasing their self-esteem. The intended result will allow people to manage their lives with more independence and the freedom to live, work and enjoy a valued role in society.
SES will:
- Engage people in work preparation and career advancement activities.
- Assess employment needs and interests.
- Facilitate enrollment in job clubs or work readiness training.
- Utilize job development activities that build on consumer strengths and preferences.
- Employ evidence-based practices and strategies that assist people to successfully maintain and advance in their careers.
- Provide job development services that offer access to employers and their jobs.
- Develop natural supports in the workplace.
- Supply job support and follow up services that are needed to maintain employment.
- Facilitate acquisition of services from other agencies.